So you’re interested in your FREE one-time Quantum Leap Strategy Call?


This call is perfect for you if…

  • You want to discover EXACTLY what to do every single day to consistently bring in revenue, month in-month out.
  • Without sacrificing family and recreation time.
  • Without working crazy 50-60 hour work weeks.
  • And without forfeiting your health, energy & wellbeing in exchange for dollars.

Does this sound like a business you’d like to create?

If so, I encourage you to book a time below. To avoid disappointment, keep in mind my calendar only has 8 spots for the next 30 days.


Other Coaches & Healers Who Started Their Journey On The Quantum Leap Strategy Call:

Janet Wells: Makes more in her business from 5 hours of work than she did working at 3 jobs

“I’m an introvert. Whenever a sales opportunity presented itself, I had a very negative perception of salesman. Lois dispelled all those myths and made it super easy with permission-based selling."

Adeel Aalim: Generates at least 30 sales calls per month

“ I was spending 36 hours a week prospecting and only generated 2-3 calls per month. Now I prospect a third of those hours and generate at least thirty sales calls per month.”

Monica Dubay: $3,564 of consistent cash flow coming in month in, month out

“I launched my master and fill it every single month. Now I have steady, reliable income coming in every month. I don’t have to worry about paying my rent.”

Amber & Erica: 11 retainer clients and more coming in!

“Before we met Lois. Getting clients was random and lot of word of mouth. It was never consistent."

Jules Dan: 200 extra leads to show up to the webinar

“Even though I wasn’t ready to move forward and invest with Lois today, she gave me so much value on the strategy call. What she revealed helped me generate an extra 200 leads for my clients upcoming LinkedIn webinar. Thanks Lois!”